Next meeting is May 1, 2024
email Sara Kvaas to join the zoom
![]() ============== former meetings= June 2021= Deena Case-Pall= The Poodle breed ------------------------------------ May 2021- Dachshund trials= By Diana Jones --------------------------------------- April 2021 was Deena Case Pall Introduced Wills and Dogs ZOOM MEETING DUE TO CORONA VIRUS SAFETY ISSUES: Email Sara kvass to get into the zoom meeting CONTACT Sara Kvaas -[email protected] in order to get the link to join the zoom meeting Welcome to new members and visitors Questions:[email protected] PROGRAMS at almost every meeting Current officers President=Amy Balchum 1st Vice-President= Lissa Thomas 2nd Vice-President= Sally Mobraaten Recording Secretary= Kathy Dolge Corresponding Secretary= Merillee Ford Treasurer= Sara Kvaas Director=Sharon Clarke Director = Deena Case Pall Obedience Chair = Amy Balchum AKC Delegate= Janet Vinning-Mitchell & Anita Last year's President: Janet Mitchell ==================================================================================== CCKC PICNIC -= August 2021=pending |
April 2017= Rattlesnake Aversion DEMO- MA and PA Kennel